We worked with Jemena to deliver clear, consistent and coherent electricity distribution information for their entire Victorian network.
Jemena | The Refinery
A Case Study
Jemena are one of the five wholesale suppliers and distributors of electricity in Melbourne, with a vast infrastructure servicing over 315,000 Victorians at all levels for their electricity requirements.
The Refinery has worked with Jemena across various state-wide projects including Customer Charter Packs and the Smart Meter roll-out consisting of a very diverse suite of creative media developed specifically for Jemena.
At a glance
Customer Charters, Calendars
and letters printed
Customer Charter
Packs delivered
smart meter guides
printed and delivered

We created Jemena’s new look Customer Charter packs.
These included the Customer Charter, Community Safety Calendar and a personalised letter addressed to the Jemena customer.
The packs included important information about the connection and maintenance of the electricity supply.
The Jemena Customer Charter, Community Safety Calendar and a personalised letter were delivered to all Jemena customers across Victoria.
We produced and delivered the Smart Meter campaign.
This included important information about the installation and usage of new smart meters.

Jemena Smart Meter material was given its own visual language.
This assissted Jemena customers recognise Smart Meter information.
We integrated barcode scanning technology to improve operational efficiency.
Existing equipment was utilised to track successful Smart Meter installations across Victoria.
Each piece of communication was personalised for each customer.
This utilised information from Jemena’s database such as customer names, addresses and metering information from each property.

For us, Jemena represents a client with a need for clear, consistent and coherent information for their customers.
This was successfully achieved by assessing the information provided by Jemena and presenting it in a way that is easy for all its customers to identify and understand."
Nick Lauria
Associate Agency Director